What is Creators Academy?

In 2022 Principal Vural began a new vision for UAMA focused on a return to its original core beliefs: NYC is the arts capital of the world and all NYC students should have access to a rich and rigorous arts education without having to audition. After surveying students and their families, the number one request was to expand the arts programming at the school. We embarked on a path that has led us to grow our arts department from one to four full time arts certified teachers, one in each discipline area: music, art, theater, and dance. 

Initially designed as a 90 minute in school arts block with student choice driving course selection, the Creators Academy continues to evolve with the needs and desires of our students. This year, Creators Academy launched an arts sequence to provide a pathway to an arts credential upon graduation and completion of the sequence and assessment. An Arts endorsement also serves as the Plus One (5th) Regents (ELA, Math, Science, and History are still required).

The Creators Academy is a space for students to work with both licensed DOE arts teachers and teaching artists from partner organizations in multiple areas. The focus of the Creators Academy is to present students with an opportunity to create art intended for an audience through live performances, gallery exhibitions, our seasonal showcases, and through 21st century media outlets.

Band & Music


Drama & Music Theater

 A student performing on stage in a dramatic play 

Digital Photography


Studio Arts

 A piece of art of two girls, one looking spooky 

Dance & Choregraphy

 Dance teacher and a group of students dancing